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by Liu Waitong 


Recipient of the Publishing Award (Literature & Fiction) at the 2017 Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards


Liu Waitong emigrated to Hong Kong in 1997. In the early 2000s, he moved to Beijing for several years before returning to Hong Kong. Within these peripatetic movements, he has simultaneously become ‘of Hong Kong’, while maintaining a vestige of an outsider.


Much of his writing is dimly lit, blurred by train lines and the elements. Within these settings, he grasps for concepts to ground what is both fleeting and hazily drawn. More so than the shifting space of national boundaries, Waitong’s poetry is unsettled by past times, never wholly comfortable in the now. His is a constant struggle to remember without allowing nostalgia to enter and completely obscure the lines.


Wandering Hong Kong with Spirits is one of the first publications in the Hong Kong Atlas series. Hong Kong Atlas is an important first step in expanding the English-language canon with a range of Hong Kong voices. By drawing on literature, translation and creative culture as a way of remapping a global city, the Atlas project offers alternative histories to Hong Kong through its own literature. Poems by Liu Waitong translated from the Chinese by Enoch Yee-lok Tam, Desmond Sham, Audrey Heijns, Chan Lai-kuen, and Cao Shuying.




詩人廖偉棠 1997 年移居香港,後曾旅居北京數年,復又回港,徘徊於香港人與他者身分之間,其文字總帶著跨時空的轉瞬即逝之意與朦朧之像。本書為香港文學英譯系列出版書籍。 


184 pages. B/W. Softcover. 41 poems.
203 mm (H) x 152 mm (W)
Bilingual (Chinese & English)

ISBN 978-1-938890-03-1 (US) / ISBN 978-988-13115-3-5 (HK)



    Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


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