poems by Ko Ko Thett
The poems in this collection, many of which have appeared in English-language literary magazines worldwide, range from "faddish sugar crystals," written in Burmese for Ko Ko Thett's 1996 illegal campus chapbook at the Yangon Institute of Technology, to his autumn 2014 "anxiety attack" at the University of Leuven.
Ko Ko Thett's poetry explores the possibility of the translatability of lived experience between the personal and the political, and the possibility of the mutual transferability between languages as disparate as Burmese, English and Finnish - as in "you even understand my language, perkele." The burden of being burmese is not just his. It is also yours.
Ko Ko Thett
48首英文詩總括緬甸詩人 Ko Ko Thett在19年間的創作,種種對緬甸政治、文化、殖民歷史、語言、種族、社會發展的詰問,組成了詩集的主要內容。書中亦探討了緬甸語和英語、芬蘭語等截然不同語言間相互翻譯的可能性。
112 pages. B/W. Softback.
204 mm (H) x 153 mm (W)
EnglishISBN 978-1-938890-16-1 (US) / ISBN 978-988-13114-5-0 (HK)
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